Product Info

Sometimes the best treatment may be further away. Wouldn’t it be great if you had more medical options to choose from and potentially seek medical treatment overseas? Now you can with MediAdvantage. MediAdvantage provides overseas medical protection for Cancer, Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, Heart Valve Surgery, Live-Donor Organ and Bone Marrow Transplant, as well as Intracranial and Specific Spinal Cord Surgery.


Overseas Medical Treatment Benefit with coverage up to USD$4 million

Second Medical Opinion from medical experts to confirm the diagnosis and to provide options on the best available treatment plan

Hospitalisation Indemnity Benefit to cover miscellaneous expenses during your overseas treatment up to USD200 per 24-hour confinement

Post Overseas Medical Treatment Benefit provides continued coverage by the in-country Medication Benefit, and Overseas Follow-Up Care with the Overseas Treating Doctor, if medically required, after returning from your overseas medical treatment

Important: This is purely a product summary and if you wish to know more, you may refer to the policy contract or contact us for further details.

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