
Anytime Anywhere You Can Call Allianz Ranger For Help!

Product Info

Car insurance covers your car against liabilities to other parties for death or bodily injuries, damages to other parties’ properties, accidental or fire damages to your car and theft of your car. Now, under the umbrella of the Rahmah Car Insurance Initiative, you can enjoy extra benefits with no additional charges.

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Losses or damages to your car due to accident, fire and theft

Third Party death and bodily injuries

Third Party property losses or damages

Extended benefits

Access to amazing benefits like Allianz Road Rangers1

Allianz Road Rangers is a nationwide motor accident car insurance assistance, provided free-of-charge to all Motor Comprehensive (Private car) policyholders. It aims to transform the motor claims journey to ensure customers experience a fast, easy and seamless journey when making an accident claim. To learn more about the Allianz Road Rangers service, please click the button below.
 Allianz Motorcycle Plus (Comprehensive) and Allianz Motorcycle (Comprehensive) policyholders also enjoy complimentary Allianz Road Rangers Roadside Assistance services. The only number you’ll ever need on the road, save us on your speed dial today.
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Rahmah Insurance Initiatives

The Rahmah Insurance Initiative is a collaborative effort between the Government of Malaysia and Allianz Malaysia, aimed at offering affordable financial protection to all Malaysians. This initiative provides a fundamental protection plan covering significant life risks, including death, accidents, floods, and other unforeseen events.

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